Dr. Fotis K. Liotopoulos

Dr. Fotis K. Liotopoulos
Ath. Diakou 8, Diavata – D. Delta, 57008 Thessaloniki, Greece.
Tel./Fax: +30-2310785854, Cel.: +30-6936648656
E-mail: liotop @ {sboing.net, ihu.edu.gr, gmail.com, eap.gr}
Download the most updated version of my CV from here: [full CV] [3-pg CV]
Education:Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, Wisconsin, USA, May 1996
Ph.D., Computer Engineering
Dissertation: Nonblocking Operation of 3-Stage Clos Networks
Advisor: Prof. Suresh Chalasani
GPA: 4.0 / 4.0
Computer Sciences Dept., University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, Wisconsin, USA, December 1991
M.Sc., Computer Architecture
Thesis: Issues in high-performance point-to-point hypergrids
Advisors: Prof. Guri Sohi & James R. Goodman
GPA: 3.9 / 4.0
Dept. of Computer Engineering & Informatics, University of Patras, Greece.
Patra, July 1988
D.Eng., Computer Architecture
Diploma Thesis: Design of the processing element and network switch for a multiprocessor system based on the INMOS transputer.
Advisor: Prof. N. Kanellopoulos
GPA: 9.51 / 10, (Rank: 2nd)
24th Senior High-School (Lyceum)
Thessaloniki, Greece, June 1983
GPA: 19,75 / 20
National (Panhellenic) University Qualifying Examinations:
Score: 1864 out of 2000, Rank: 16th (of approx. 85 admitted in the dept.).
- 12/15-today: I.T. Manager / Consultant, International Hellenic University, (www.ihu.edu.gr).
- 11/09-today: Founder & General Manager (CEO/CTO), SBOING.net, (sboing.net).
- 10/01-7/23: Teaching Associate-Lecturer, Hellenic Open University (E.A.P., eap.gr). Teaching “Digital Systems, Computer & Microprocessor Architectures” and “Computer Networks” (graduate and undergraduate courses).
- 9/06-11/09: Research & Tech. Development Director, Virtual Trip Ltd.
- 9/05-8/06: Research Director, 50% appointment, Virtual Trip Ltd.
- 9/05-8/06: Adjunct Lecturer (PD407/80), Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki, Electrical & Computer Engineering dept. Teaching 1st year undergraduate “Computer Systems”.
- 3/05-8/05: Adjunct Lecturer (PD407/80), Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki, Electrical & Computer Engineering dept. Teaching 3rd year undergraduate “Computer Architecture”.
- 9/03-9/04: (Senior) Lecturer, Computer Science dept., CITY College, (affiliated Institute of the Univ. of Sheffield, UK), Thessaloniki, Greece. (Teaching undergraduate & graduate courses.)
- 10/97-8/03: Computer & Informatics Engineer – Researcher ‘C’ (assist .prof. level), Research Academic Computer Technology Institute (C.T.I.), Athens branch, Manager of R&D Unit 4 (“Computer & Communication Systems Architectures”) (since 1/1/99).
- 9/93-12/95: Teaching Assistant, Electrical & Computer Engineering dept., Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, 6 semesters, ECE-353, ECE-352, ECE-315, ECE/CS-752, ECE/CS-757, with prof. S. Chalasani, K. Saluja, P. Ramanathan, D.L. Dietmeyer, C. Kime, R. Jain.
- 9/94-3/96: Research Assistant, Electrical & Computer Engineering dept., Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, 3 semesters, with prof. S. Chalasani.
- 9/92-5/93: Project Assistant, Neurophysiology dept., Medical School, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, 2 semesters, with prof. D. Geisler.
- 9/89-5/92: Teaching Assistant, Computer Sciences dept., Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, 6 semesters, CS-132, Computer Lab h/w & s/w management, with prof. E. Desautels.
- 9/88-5/89: Research Associate, Computer Technology Institute (CTI) and Univ. of Patras, Greece, M.O.P. Committee, Digital Systems & Telecommunications Lab. organization, with ast. prof. N. Kanellopoulos.
- 9/88-12/88: Project Engineer, E-NA R&D S.A., Athens, Greece, for the 28th Int’l Chess Olympiad.
Teaching Experience:
- E.K.D.D.A.: 7-hour lectures for public employees on “Security issues in e-Gov” (2010-today).
- Computer Architecture & Networks, Hellenic Open Univ., (graduate level) (9/04-7/16).
- Digital Systems, Computer & Microprocessor Architecture, Hellenic Open Univ., (undergraduate level) (9/01-7/04).
- CSD-3420: Data Communication Networks, BSc Computer Sciences, CITY College, (Spring 2004).
- CSD-4420: Wireless Telecomm. Networks & Services, MSc Software Engin. & Telecomm., CITY College, (Spring 2004).
- CSD-1400: Computer Systems Architecture, BSc Computer Sciences, CITY College, (Fall 2003).
- CSD-4410: Digital Communications & Computer Networks, MSc Software Engin. & Telecomm., CITY College, (Fall 2003). Supervision of 2 MSc theses.
- Microcomputer Interfacing: 3 semesters, 2 invited lectures per semester, dept. of Computer Engineering & Informatics, of Patras, Greece (1997-2000).
- ECE-353: Introduction to Microprocessor Systems, 4 semesters, lecturing, consulting, grading, preparing homeworks and exams. At U.W.-Madison.
- ECE-315: Introductory Microprocessor Laboratory, 4 semesters, lecturing, assisting in lab, consulting, grading, preparing exams. At U.W.-Madison.
- ECE-352: Digital Systems Fundamentals, 1 semester, consulting. At U.W.-Madison.
- ECE/CS-752: Advanced Computer Architecture I, 1 semester, consulting, grading. At U.W.-Madison.
- ECE/CS-757: Advanced Computer Architecture II, 2 semesters, consulting, grading. At U.W.-Madison.
- CS-132: Using Computers, 6 semesters, lecturing, assisting in lab, consulting, grading. At U.W.-Madison.
- Microprocessor Laboratory: 2 semesters, assisting in lab, consulting, grading. Dept. of Computer Engineering & Informatics, Univ. of Patras, Greece.
- Mentor Graphics (tm) Tutorials: 4 semesters, tutorials for digital design and simulation using Mentor Graphics (tm) software. At U.W.-Madison.
Academic and R&D Awards:
- 06/15: SBOING was awarded the 1st prize at the pan-Hellenic competition for “Innovative IoT Applications” organized by the “Hellenic Association of Computer Engineers”, (WJETS app).
- 03/15: SBOING qualified in the top 10 finalist teams of the European competition “Net Futures 2015 Challenge” organized by the FIWARE EU project, (WJETS app).
- 10/14: The SBOING Navigator has been selected by the European GNSS Agency (GSA) as one of the 26 apps of the "Galileo Apps Store" of the SUNRISE (EU) project.
- 10/14: SBOING ranked 4th in the “T-Systems Big Data” Challenge of the “4th Copernicus Masters 2014” Competition.
- 07/14: SBOING was nominated by ITS-Hellas as the sole candidate from Greece for the Int’l 2014 ITS “Hall of Fame” Industry
- 04/14: SBOING won the 1st prize and a 15.000 euro award of the "Large-scale Demonstrator in Athens (LDA)" Competition for the sbCliMate app, an add-on to the SBOING navigator.
- 11/13: Recognition for contributions to “Road Safety”, by a representative of the Greek Parliament and in the presence of Mrs. Eva Molnar, Director of the Transport Division of the United Nations.
- 11/12: The innovative idea "SBOING" ranked 4th for the European Award "GNSS Living Lab " prize, 2nd for the "Regional Challenge" prize and 4th for the "Audience Award" of the 9th European Satellite Navigation Competition, ESNC-2012.
- 01/12: The SBOING navigator, sbNavi, ranked in the top 7 apps at the "NOKIA Mobile App Competition", organized by Mobile Monday Athens.
- 04/11: SBOING ranked in the top 20 R&D SMEs in the contest for Innovation & Entrepreneurship "Greece Innovates (I)", co-organized by SEV (Hellenic Industry Association) and EFG-Eurobank.
- 10/11: Joint research work between SBOING and the Hellenic Open University, supervised by Dr. F.K. Liotopoulos, received the “Best student research work” award at the Int’l Conference on "Intelligent Transport Systems" (ITS 2011).
- 05/11: The concept and implementation of a (h/w) traffic data collection system based on wireless network technology, static or mobile, sensors with GPS (ahWSN, VANETs), a collaboration between SBOING and the Hellenic Open University and ranked in the top 5 of the "Arduino Contest 2011".
- 12/09: 2nd Prize for the SBOING business plan in the “Innovation & Entrepreneurship” competition of the “Regional Innovation Pole of Central Macedonia” program.
- 12/06: 2nd best academic achievement (diploma grade: 9.51) of all times (1981-2006), Comp. Eng. & Informatics dept., Univ. of Patras, Greece.
- 9/02: IEEE Senior Member (in 7% of ~377,000 IEEE Members).
- 3/04: “Certificate of Appreciation for Ten-Year Membership”, IEEE Communications Society.
- 2/00: Best Researcher Award of R&D Unit 4, C.T.I.
- 2/00: Praise (award) for the successful completion of the OASIS Project (Trading System of the Athens Stock & Derivatives Exchange).
- 7/94: Best Paper Award for single authors under 30 years old, PARLE-94 Int’l Conference, Athens, Greece.
- 9/93-5/94: Vilas Fellowship, awarded based on academic merit.
- 1/96, 9/95, 1/95, 9/94: 4 Awards for educational achievement, Technical Improvement Program, dept. of Engineering Professional Development, College of Engineering, UW-Madison.
- 9/88-5/89: Bodosakis Foundation Scholarship.
- '83-'87: 4 scholarships from the (Greek) National Scholarship Foundation (I.K.Y.).
- '84-'85, '85-'86, '87-'88: 3 scholarships from the Technical Chamber of Greece (T.E.E.).
- '81-'82: Award (Praise) from the Greek Mathematidcal Society (E.M.E.) for participation and achievement in the National Competition on Mathematics.
- '77-'83: 11 High School awards for excellence (6 "aristeeon") and best achievement in class (5 "vraveeon").
- 1984: First Prize in a National Software Competition, organized by the "Computer For All" magazine.
Society / Organizations Memberships:
- I.E.E.E. (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) Student Member (1991-1996), Member (1997-2002), Senior Member (2002-today).
- A.C.M. (Association of Computing Machinery), Student Member (1991-1996), Member (1997-2011).
- B.C.S. (British Computing Society), Member (2004-2005).
- A.M.S. (American Mathematical Society), Member (1998-2004).
- SIGMA-XI (Scientific Research Society), Full Member (1996-1997).
- T.E.E. (The Technical Chamber of Greece), Member since 1988.
- P.S.D.M.H.Y.P. (Panhellenic Assoc. of Computer & Informatics Engineers), Member since 2002.
- E.P.E. (Panhellenic Association of Computer & Information Scientists), Member since 2004, General Secretary (5/2007-4/2010).
- USA-Alumni of Northern Greece (Association of Greek Graduates from American Universities), Member since 1997.
- U.S.A.-U.W.M. (Hellenic Student Association of the University of Wisconsin-Madison), Member 1989-1996, Vice-President 1993-1994, 1994-1995, President 1995-1996.
- U.W.A. (Univ. of Wisconsin Alumni), Member since 1996.
- HKN (Eta Kappa Nu, Engineering Society), Student member (1995-1996).
- C.T.I. Employee Union, (Vice-president), 11/2000-3/2003.
- Working Committee of S.E.P.V.E. (the Association of Information Technology Companies of Northern Greece) for the Digital Strategy of the Region of Northern Greece, member (2007-2009).
- Member (with Virtual Trip Ltd.) of the NEM (Networked and Electronic Media) European Technology Platform (ETP), NMCD (Next Multimedia Content Distribution) Cluster and NEM SEC (Security) Cluster, (since 2007).
- Member (with Virtual Trip Ltd.) of the NESSI (Networked European Software & Services Initiative) European Technology Platform (ETP), TSD WG (Trust, Security & Dependability Working Group), (since 2007).
- EPN (European Professionals Network), (SBOING, since 2010).
- ITS-Hellas (Intelligent Transport Systems Hellas), (SBOING, since 2011).
- HAMAC (Hellenic Association of Mobile Application Companies), (SBOING, since 2011).
- Corallia (si-cluster & mi-cluster), (SBOING, since 2011).
- HASI (Hellenic Association of Space Industries), (SBOING, since 2013).
- 12/09-today: “SBOING – Navigation beyond”: Development of a global, crowdsourced, collaborative navigation system and related technologies.
- 12/16-today: “SUITS – Supporting Urban Integrated Transport Systems: Transferable tools for Local Authorities”, 4-year EU/H2020 RTD project, SBOING funding: 202.040 euro.
- 02/15: sbNavi: GPS Navigator app for Android, (available on Google Play).
- 11/14: sbNavi: GPS Navigator app for iOS, (available on iTunes).
- 07/14-11/15: “SPRINT SMEs: Research in Software Process Improvement Methodologies for Greek Small & Medium sized Software Development Enterprises”, Archimedes-III, project with TEI of Larissa.
- 03/14-04/15: Participation in 13 EU-level R&TD proposals (H2020, ESA, FIWARE, etc.), in some of them as coordinator.
- 02/14-05/15: “sbCliMate: Environmental Infolayers in the SBOING navigator, visualizing Earth-Observation Sattellite (EOS) datasets”, LDA (EU) project competition, 15.000 euro.
- 01/14-10/15: “NAVICANE: Collaborative Navigation Systems and Services: SBOING Backend, Data Center and a Cane for the Blind”, ICT4Growth, NSRF (2007-2013), funding 320.500 euro.
- 6/13-10/14: Graduate Course-Book review for the Hellenic Open University, (book “Computer Networks”, by D. Tsolis and A. Papazafiropoulos).
- 03/13-12/14: “Energy-efficient algorithms for Cloud Infrastructures”, Archimedes-III, project with TEI of Lamia. Modeling and Simulation of Evergy-efficient Algorithms for Large-scale Cloud Infrastructures (up to 500.000 servers).
- 11/12-10/15: “METPEX: MEasurement Tool to determine the quality of Passenger EXperience”, EU FP7/ICT RTD project, SBOING funding: 141.900 euro.
- 07/11-2/12: “SBOING-1: GPS-navigator upgrade and collaborative composition of the world map with dynamic road-segment data, for improved GPS-routing”, RTD project, Greek NSRF (2007-2013) program, supporting R&TD activities of new and very small SMEs, by GSRT, funding 43.300 euro.
- 10/10-10/11: “WiSeNDA: Location-based, Distributed, Data Aggregation using an ad hoc Wireless Sensor Network of stationary or mobile Sensor nodes for near-real-time information dissemination”, joint project with the Hellenic Open University.
- 01/06-11/09: Management and execution of 34 (national and EU) R&TD projects (as scientific and technical coordinator).
- 2/06-12/06: Technical project manager for the Integrated Information System for the Management and Issuing of Secure Documents (passports, IDs and driver-licenses) for the Greek Ministry of Public Order (on behalf of DST/Toppan).
- 2/06-9/08: PLASTIC: Providing Lightweight and Adaptable Service Technology for pervasive Information and Communication, EU/FP6, with Virtual Trip Ltd.
- 4/06-7/08: (Celtic) TIGER: Together IP, GMPLS and Ethernet Reconsidered, EU/FP6, with Virtual Trip Ltd. [Project awarded the “Celtic Gold Award”.]
- 4/05-10/08: ΝοΑΗ: A European Network of Affined Honeypots, EU/FP6, with Virtual Trip Ltd.
- 4/06-4/08: MILTIADES: Multi-Layer Techniques for Attack Detection Systems, GSRT, with Virtual Trip Ltd.
- 4/06-7/08: TALOS: Integrated Seismic Crisis Management System, GSRT, with Virtual Trip Ltd.
- 5/06-7/08: SORANOS: Creation and Technological Management of a Thematic database about the History of Medicine and the Medical Deontology, GSRT, with Virtual Trip Ltd.
- 6/06-7/08: PA-MICH: Study of Bacillar Virus Mechanisms and Calculation Tools Implementation for Antimicrobial Medicine Construction, GSRT, with Virtual Trip Ltd.
- 10/6-7/08: HAVI: High Availability Mechanisms for Voice over IP (VoIP) Infrastructures, GSRT, with Virtual Trip Ltd.
- 4/05-10/07: TraceHoney: Study of Traceability and Transparency in Food Networks in Hungary and Greece: Developing a Pilot Model for Chain Management in Honey Production, Processing and Marketing, GSRT, with Virtual Trip Ltd.
- 10/06-7/08: METATRO: Integrated Real-Time Management System for Fleet of Frail Foods Refrigerator Lorries of International Transports, GSRT, with Virtual Trip Ltd.
- 1/05-8/07: ESTIA: An Integrated Platform of Security Control of Computers and Protection Support in the Internet, GSRT, with Virtual Trip Ltd.
- 1/04-9/06: SecSPeer: Secure and Scalable Peer-to-Peer Computing and Communication Systems, GSRT, with Virtual Trip Ltd.
- 10/04-3/06: mVision™: Mobile-Vision: Video Streaming and Television Transmission to Mobile Phones, GSRT, with Virtual Trip Ltd.
- 12/3-10/06: ENOSIS: Integrated Decisions Making Support System providing Real-Time Information about Various Transportation, GSRT, with Virtual Trip Ltd.
- 12/04-10/05: “SES: Secure e-lection System”, implementation of a large scale electronic election system, with emphasis on security issues, (in collaboration with Virtual-Trip Ltd.).
- 7/04: “SPU: Switched Processing Unit”, coordinator and main contributor, FP6/IST/FET-Open/STREP project proposal, budget ~2.3MEuro.
- 6/04-07/05: Development of teaching material for the Hellenic Open University, [Webcasting: “Microprocessor & Computer Architecture” (3 hours), “Computer Networks” (4 hours). 30 exercises and 90 pages of hypertext for the above topics]. Reviewer for “Computer Architecture” and “Computer Networks” teaching material. Editor and contributor of a collection of ~200 solved exercises in Computer Architecture.
- 2/03-7/03: Technical committee member for the development of the specifications, call-for-tender and the evaluation of proposals for the “Integrated Information System for News Management” of the Athens News Agency (ANA).
- 1/03-3/03: Technical group member for the specifications and call-for-tender for the “Information Systems (ODDY-net)” of the Greek Organization for Managements of Public Materials (ODDY).
- 12/02-3/03: Team member for the development of “Internal Operations Guide” of CTI (Computer Technology Institute).
- 1/02-4/03: Project Manager (consulting) for the Informatization Development of the Amaroussion Municipality (one of the sites of the Olympics 2004) for the period 2002-2006.
- 7/03-8/03: Course Material Review for the Hellenic Open University, (book “Computer Networks-II”, by G. Fouskas).
- 5/02-6/02: Course Material Review for the Hellenic Open University, (book “Fundamentals of Computer Networks”, by G. Fouskas).
- 9/01-1/02: Project Manager «Development of the Informatization Masterplan of the Region of Ionian Islands, 2000-2006».
- 5/01-10/01: Project team member «Development of the Informatization Masterplan of the Ministry of Press and Mass Media, 2000-2006».
- 1/01-7/01: Project Manager «Development of the Informatization Masterplan of the Amaroussion Municipality, 2000-2006».
- 4/00-5/00: Project proposal (FP5/IST-2000) “ClosTI: Clos Terabit Interconnect” (Clos-based, 256 Gbps switch architecture). Consortium of 5 partners, CTI being the prime contractor, budget: 3 MΕuro.
- 2/00-3/00: Web-site development for the IONIZER product. (http://www.ionizer.gr).
- 1/00-10/01: Project team member «VELTION»: Parallel architecture for Video-on-Demand servers.
- 10/99: Expert Report (requested for a Court trial): “Origin:Focus vs. GlobalSoft:Monopoly”.
- 1/99-3/01: Project team member «AIDMAN»: Telemedicine Applications via satellite and terrestrial interoperable networks. (TenTelecom).
- 10/97-9/01: Technical support in the development of OASIS (the Integrated Automated Electronic Trading System of the Athens Stock Exchange). Systems specifications, requirements analysis, acceptance testing, fault-tolerance analysis and verification, performance analysis, systems and application security policies for the computing and communications systems and applications of the Athens Stock Exchange.
- 5/98-today: IA.N.-2®: Design and Development (in Delphi) of a generalized, window-based medical database management system.
- 4/98-today: TeleCyclos®: Design and Development (in Delphi) of an IVR (Interactive Voice Response) Computer Telephony (CTI) application.
- 6/98-8/98: ASIS Upgrade: Upgrade Proposal & Analysis of the Automated Electronic Trading System of the Athens Stock Exchange.
- 10/97-1/98: B-WAN : Proposal for & Analysis of the Internetworking of the Balkan Stock Exchanges.
- 1/94-5/94: VLSI design of an ATM routing chip for 3-stage Clos Networks (ECE-755, team of 3).
- 9/93-1/94: The Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV), H/w & s/w computer simulation, member of the “Team Paradigm”.
- 1/93-8/93: Parallel Algorithms for DNA/Gene/Protein Identification, The GENOME Project.
- 9/92-5/93: True 7-point Approximation for Inner-Ear Modelling, Neurophysiology dept., Medical School, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison.
- 9/89-12/90: Development of a General Purpose Database Management System, (CS-564, team of 3).
- 9/88-12/88: Wireless Chess-Board Computer Monitoring System, E-NA R&D and C.T.I., for the 28th International Chess Olympiad.
- '87-'88: AR.IA.N.®: A Versatile Medical Database Management System for MS-DOS.
- 01/09-today: GPS navigation, Crowdsourcing, Mobile sensor networks, Sensourced IoT technologies, Inteligent Transport Systems, Vehicular ad hoc networks, Secure e-voting systems, collaborative social networks.
- 11/03-12/08: SPU: Switched Processing Units, Secure Communications, Computer Networks, B3G mobile networks, e-elections.
- 1/97-10/03: 3-Stage Clos switching networks, Switch arcitectures, broadband communication networks, ATM Communications, Electro-optical architectures, Video-On-Demand, Cluster of Workstations. R&D Unit 4, C.T.I.
- 9/93-3/96: 3-Stage Clos switching networks, broadband communication networks, ATM communications. Supervisor prof.: S. Chalasani.
- 9/92-5/93: Parallel Processing: Divide & Conquer algorithms, Gene/DNA/Protein identification & taxonomy. Supervisor prof.: S. Chalasani.
- 9/91-12/91: Shared Virtual Memory (SVM) in multicomputer systems. Supervisor prof.: J.R. Goodman.
- 9/90-12/91: Performance issues on Generalized HyperGrid (GHG) multiprocessor architectures, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison. Supervisor prof.: G. Sohi, J.R. Goodman
- 1/88-5/89: Design issues on Generalized HyperGrid (GHG) multiprocessor architectures, Univ. of Patras, Greece. Supervisor prof.: N. Kanellopoulos.
: Operating Systems: UNIX, Linux, MS-Windows
: Networks: Security, TCP/IP network management, Unix Networking.
: Languages: Pascal, Delphi, C, C++, Basic, Fortran, Assembly, HTML, Java.
- Scientific specialization: Computer simulation, design of digital systems, performance analysis of computer and communication systems, data security.
- Professional specialization: R&TD project management.
Journals: ( Avg. #authors per paper = 1.5)
- F.K. Liotopoulos, “Split-Connection Rearrangeably Nonblocking Operation of 3-Stage Multirate Clos Networks”, Computer Communications, Elsevier Science, vol.25, issue 17, pp.1584-1595, Nov. 2002. (Revised CTI Tech. Rep. TR99-12-02).
- M.D. Logothetis and F.K. Liotopoulos, “A Batch-type, Time-true ATM network Simulator – Design for Parallel Processing”, Int’l J. of Communication Systems, vol.15, issue 8, pp.713-739, Oct. 2002.
- W. Kabacinski and F.K. Liotopoulos, “Multirate Non-Blocking Generalised 3-Stage Clos Switching Networks”, IEEE Trans. on Communications, vol.50, no.9, pp.1486-1494, Sept. 2002.
- F.K. Liotopoulos, “Issues on Gigabit Switching, using 3-Stage Clos Networks”, Journal of Informatica, special issue on “Gigabit Networking”, vol. 23, no.3, pp.335-346, Sept.1999.
- F.K. Liotopoulos and S. Chalasani, “Semi-Rearrangeably Nonblocking Operation of Clos Networks in the Multirate Environment”, IEEE Trans. on Networking, vol.4, no.2, pp.281-291, Apr. 1996.
- F.K. Liotopoulos, “Sparse Generalized Hypergrids for Performance Scalability”, in “Lecture Notes in Computer Science”, vol. 817, pp.526-538, Springer-Verlag, 1994. [Awarded Best "young, single-author" paper award in the “PARLE-94 Conference on Parallel Architectures and Languages”, Athens, Greece, July 1994].
Book Chapters: ( Avg. #authors per paper = 1.4)
- F.K. Liotopoulos, “Enhanced Transport Survey Tools in Location-Aware Devices”, in the book “Designing Mobility and Transport Services”, ch. 8, pp. 113-126, edited by M. Tovey, A. Woodcock and J. Osmond, ISBN: 978-1-4724-7846-7 (hbk), published by Routledge, UK 2017.
- F.K. Liotopoulos, “A Simulation Study of ‘Retreat FIFOs’ for the HoL Blocking Problem”, in the book “Traffic and Performance Engineering for Heterogeneous Networks”, pp. 199-215, edited by D.D. Kouvatsos, published by River Publishers, 2009.
- F.K. Liotopoulos, “Scalable, Electro-Optical Clos Switch Architectures”, invited Book Chapter, in the book “Optical Switching / Networking and Computing for Multimedia Systems”, edited by Guizani & Battou, ISBN: 0-8247-0707-9, published by Marcel Dekker, New York, 2002.
- F.K. Liotopoulos and S. Chalasani, “Strictly Nonblocking Operation of 3-stage Clos Switching Networks” (ext. ver.), in the book “Performance Modelling and Evaluation of ATM Networks”, vol. 2, edited by D. D. Kouvatsos, published by Chapman & Hall, London 1996.
- F.K. Liotopoulos and S. Chalasani, “Semi-Centralized Routing Algorithms for 3-stage Clos Networks”, in the book "Performance Modelling and Evaluation of ATM Networks", pp. 147-176, vol. 1, edited by D. D. Kouvatsos, published by Chapman & Hall, London 1995.
- O. Susilo, A. Woodcock, F.K. Liotopoulos, A. Duarte, J. Osmond, R. Abenoza, L.E. Anghel, D. Herrero, F. Fornari, V. Tolio, E. O’Connell, I. Markucevičiūtė, C. Kritharioti and M. Pirra,“Deploying traditional and smartphone app survey methods in measuring door-to-door travel satisfaction in eight European cities”, in proc. of the 14th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR-2016), Shanghai, July 2016.
- Susilo, R. Abenoza, A. Woodcock, F.K. Liotopoulos, A. Duarte, J. Osmond, A. Georgiadis, R. Hrin, P Bellver, F. Fornari, V. Tolio, E. O’Connell, I. Markucevičiūtė and M. Diana, “Findings from measuring door-to-door travellers’ travel satisfaction with traditional and smartphone app survey methods in eight European cities”, in proc. of 14th Int’l Conf. on Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR), London, May 2015.
- K. Liotopoulos and P. Lampsas, “Energy-Efficient Simulation and Performance Evaluation of Large-Scale Data Centers”, in proc. IEEE Int’l Conf. on Industrial Tech., ICIT-2015, Sevilla, March 2015.
- Woodcock, P. Petridis, F.K. Liotopoulos, A. Georgiadis, and L. Brady, "The Challenges of Developing an Online Tool to Measure the Quality of the Passenger Experience in a PanEuropean Context", in proc. of 16th Int'l Conf. on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI-2014), Crete, June 2014.
- K. Liotopoulos, “A Tool for Mean Value Analysis of Metro-scale Ethernet Networks”, in Proc. of the IASTED Int’l Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks (PDCN 2009), 641-041, Innsbruck, Austria, Feb. 2009.
- Bertolino, W. Emmerich, P. Inverardi, V. Issarny, F. Liotopoulos and P. Plaza, "PLASTIC: Providing Lightweight & Adaptable Service Technology for Pervasive Information & Communication", in Proc. of Int'l Workshop on the "Automated engineeRing of Autonomic and run-tiMe evolvIng Systems" (ARAMIS 2008), L'Aquila, Italy, 16th Sept. 2008.
- Kalogeras, K. Charatsis, I. Mourtos, F. Liotopoulos, G. Asimakopoulos and P. Konstantinopoulos, "Integrated Real-Time System for Perishable Freight Transport Management", in Proc. of the 13th IEEE Int'l Conf. on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, (ETFA 2008), Hamburg, Germany, 15-18 Sept. 2008. (http://www.etfa2008.org)
- Clarke, W. Donnelly, K. Howker, P. Walland, M. Surridge, F.K. Liotopoulos, S. Naqvi, L. Ridel, G. Shafran and J.-H. Hoepman, "Security, Privacy and Trust Challenges for Networked and Electronic Media", in Proc. of the "NEM Summit 2008" (Int'l Conf. "Towards Future Media Internet"), Saint Malo, France, 13-15 Oct. 2008. (http://www.nem-summit.eu/)
- K. Liotopoulos, T. Dagiuklas and V. Karypidou, “VoRTTeX: Evaluation of the perceived VoIP QoS by a third-party, using the E-Model”, in Proc. of the 3rd Int’l Conf. on the Performance Modeling and Evaluation of Heterogeneous Networks (HET-NETs '05), pp. P38/1-10, Ilkley, UK, July 2005.
- K. Liotopoulos, “Performance Modelling and Analysis of a Large-Scale e-Voting System”, in Proc. of the 3rd Int’l Conf. on the Performance Modeling and Evaluation of Heterogeneous Networks (HET-NETs '05), pp. P04/1-9, Ilkley, UK, July 2005.
- K. Liotopoulos, “Solid-Connection Rearrangeability for 3-Stage Clos Networks in the Multirate Environment”, in Proc of the 3rd Int’l Conf. on the Performance Modeling and Evaluation of Heterogeneous Networks (HET-NETs '05), pp. P01/1-6, Ilkley, UK, July 2005.
- K. Liotopoulos, “Rearrangeable Optical Cross-Connects, based on a 3-Stage Clos Network with MOEMS”, in Proc. of the 3rd IASTED Int’l Conf. on Communication Systems and Networks (CSN 2004), Marbella, Spain, Sept. 2004.
- K. Liotopoulos, “RFIFO: Retreat FIFOs for the Head-of-Line Blocking Problem”, in Proc. of the 2nd Int’l Conf. on the Performance Modeling and Evaluation of Heterogeneous Networks (HET-NETs '04), pp. P6/1-7, Ilkley, UK, July 2004.
- K. Liotopoulos and G.Sklavenitis, “Verifiable e-Voting for Trusted e-Elections”, in Proc. of Int’l Conf. on Internet, Processing, Systems and Interdisciplinaries (IPSI-2004), Sveti-Stefan, Serbia-Montenegro, Oct. 2004.
- K. Liotopoulos and M. Guizani, “Implementing Layer-2, Connection-Oriented QoS on a 3-stage Clos Switch Architecture”, CTI Tech. Rep. TR00-04-04, April 2000, in Proc. IEEE Globecom 2002 Optical Networking Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 2002.
- K. Liotopoulos, “A Terabit Electro-Optical Clos Switch Architecture”, Proc. of the 2001 IEEE Workshop on High Performance Switching & Routing (HPSR 2001), Dallas, USA, May 2001.
- K. Liotopoulos and M.D. Logothetis, “Distributed Call Admission Control Implementation in 3-Stage Clos Networks”, Proc. 12th IASTED Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS 2000), vol.I, pp.201-207, Las Vegas, USA, November 2000.
- Kabacinski and F.K. Liotopoulos, “Continuous bandwidth, nonblocking, multirate switching in 3-stage Clos Networks”, Proc. 5th IEEE Int’l Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC’2000), pp.488-493, Antibes, France, July 2000.
- Kabacinski and F.K. Liotopoulos, “Discrete bandwidth, nonblocking, multirate switching in 3-stage Clos Networks”, in Proc. IEEE Int’l Conf. on Telecommunications (ICT’2000), pp.400-404, Acapulco, Mexico, May 2000.
- K. Liotopoulos, M. Houtzeos, P. Bayias and N. Kanellopoulos, “Performance Evaluation & Testing of a Real-Time Electronic Trading System”, in Proc. Int’l Conf. on Practical Software Quality Techniques (PSQT’00), Austin TX, USA, March 2000.
- Lioupis, F.K. Liotopoulos, A. Pipis, M. Smirli and N. Kanellopoulos, “Data Distribution and Network Interconnectivity on a Parallel VoD Server”, in Proc. EMMSEC ’99, Stockholm, Sweden, June 1999.
- K. Liotopoulos, “A Modular, 160 Gbps ATM Switch Architecture for Multimedia Networking Support, based on a 3-Stage Clos Network”, in Proc. 16th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC-16), Edinburgh, UK, June 7-11, 1999.
- K. Liotopoulos, “Simulator-Assisted Performance Evaluation of a High-Capacity 3-Stage Clos Network, used for Broadband ATM Switching”, 3rd IEEE International Symposium on the Planning and Design of Broadband Networks (ISPDBN), Quebec, Canada, Oct. 8-11, 1998.
- K. Liotopoulos, “A High-Capacity, Scalable, Video-on-Demand System Architecture, based on a 3-Stage Clos Network”, 18th IEEE International Performance, Computing and Communications Conference, (IPCCC), Phoenix/Scottsdale Arizona, USA, Feb.10-12 1999.
- K. Liotopoulos and S. Chalasani, “Nonblocking Operation of Asymmetrical Clos Networks”, 23rd Int. Conference on Parallel Processing, vol.I, pp.101-108, Chicago, August 1994.
- K. Liotopoulos, “Exact Mean Value Analysis for Semi-Centralized ATM Routers”, 2nd IFIP Workshop on Performance Analysis of ATM Switches, pp. 7/1-7/12, Bradford, UK, July 1994.
- K. Liotopoulos and S. Chalasani, “Analysis of the Strictly Nonblocking Operation of 3-stage Clos Switching Networks”, 3rd IFIP Workshop on Performance Analysis of ATM Switches, pp.71/1-11, Bradford, UK, July 1995.
- K. Liotopoulos, “VLSI Support for Rearrangeability Control of 3-Stage Clos Switching Networks”, Int'l Workshop on High Performance Networking (HiNet'96), Hawaii, April 1996.
- D.Geisler, A. Bendre and F.K. Liotopoulos, “Time-Domain Modeling of a Nonlinear, Active Model of the Cochlea”, Int’l Symposium on Biophysics of Hair Cell Sensory Systems, Paterswolde, Netherlands, pp. 330-337, June 1993.
- K. Liotopoulos & P. Karypidou, Greek patent, #1006698 (G08G 1/0968): «Methodology and System for Routing Optimization in GPS-based Navigation, cobining Dynamic Traffic Data.», 2009. [International priotirty reference: PCT/GR2009/000066, WO/2010/073053, 24/12/2008].
- K. Liotopoulos and P. Karypidou, USA patent: US20110251790 - "Methodology and System for Routing Optimization in GPS-based Navigation, combining Dynamic Traffic Data", 2011.
- K. Liotopoulos and P. Karypidou, "Methodology and System for Routing Optimization in GPS-based Navigation, combining Dynamic Traffic Data", EU patent: EP-2379985-B1, registered in 13 countries: Greece, UK, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, Ireland, Luxemburg and Liechtenstein, 2013.
- K. Liotopoulos and P. Karypidou, "Methodology and System for Routing Optimization in GPS-based Navigation, combining Dynamic Traffic Data", Australian patent: AU-B-2009332672, 2013.
- K. Liotopoulos and P. Karypidou, "Methodology and System for Routing Optimization in GPS-based Navigation, combining Dynamic Traffic Data", Chinese patent: CN-2014040200097540, 2014.
- K. Liotopoulos and P. Karypidou, "Methodology and System for Routing Optimization in GPS-based Navigation, combining Dynamic Traffic Data", Israeli patent IL-213660, 2015.
- K. Liotopoulos and P. Karypidou, "Methodology and System for Routing Optimization in GPS-based Navigation, combining Dynamic Traffic Data", patent pending in India.
Other Scientific Contributions:
- NESSI - Trust, Security & Dependability Working Group, "Recommendations for TSD research priorities in software and services", (contribution by F.K. Liotopoulos of the "Security and Scalability" issue, pp. 33-34), to be included in the Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) of NESSI ("Networked European Software & Services Initiative" European Technology Platform). (http://www.nessi-europe.com/Nessi/)
Technical Reports & Articles:
- K. Liotopoulos, “ICT: Democracy Tools or Threats of Personal Freedom?”, bi-monthly Newsletter of the Hellenic Informatics Union (EPE), “The Informatic”, issue 4, Sept. 2009.
- Coordinator of the volunteering team (10 ppl) developing the proposal for the “Student Laptop”, on behalf of the Hellenic Informatics Union (EPE), Apr. 2008, (http://www.epe.org.gr/showarticle.jsp?articleid=308).
- Contributor in the proposal by the Hellenic Informatics Union (EPE) for the “Digital Strategy 2006-2013 of Greece”, Oct. 2005, (http://www.epe.org.gr/showarticle.jsp?articleid=235).
- K. Liotopoulos, “Towards Tomorrow: The Fourth Generation of Mobile Networks”, The Economist Magazine (Greek weekly edition of the "Kathimerini" daily national newspaper, no. 31, pp 53-55, Sept. 2006.
- K. Liotopoulos, “SPU: Switched Processing Unit”, CITY College, Technical Report, Feb. 2004.
- K. Liotopoulos, “Solid-Connection Rearrangeability for 3-Stage Clos Networks in the Multirate Environment”, CTI Tech. Rep. TR99-12-03, Dec. 2003.
- K. Liotopoulos, M. Houtzeos, S. Retzekas, N. Karousos and N. Kanellopoulos, “Performance Analysis of a Distributed Call Admission Control Scheme for Parallel Video-on-Demand Servers”, CTI Tech. Rep. TR2001-09-01, Sept. 2001.
- “The Y2K Problem”, article in the Sunday (national) paper “To Vima tis Kyriakis”, 9/8/98.
Citations: ≥ 160 (hetero).
Journal & Conference Committees:
- Editorial Board Member: Wireless Comms & Mobile Computing Journal (Wiley&Sons), (2001-2005).
- Int’l Program Committee Member: 19th IASTED Int’l Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS 2007), Cambridge, MA, USA, Nov. 2007.
- Int’l Program Committee Member: Int’l Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR 2006), Poznan, Poland, 2006.
- Int’l Program Committee Member: 18th IASTED Int’l Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS 2006), Dallas, TX, USA, Nov. 2006.
- Int’l Program Committee Member: 17th IASTED Int’l Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS 2005), Phoenix, AZ, USA, Nov. 2005.
- Session Chairman (“Optical Communications”): 3rd IASTED Int’l Conf. on Communication Systems and Networks (CSN 2004), Marbella, Spain, Sept. 2004.
- Int’l Program Committee Member: 15th IASTED Int’l Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS 2003), Marina del Rey, CA, USA, Nov. 2003.
- Technical Program Committee Member: 2003 IEEE Int’l Conference on Communications (ICC 2003), Optical Networking Symposium, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, May 2003.
- Int’l Program Committee Member: 15th ISCA Int’l Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems (PDCS-ISCA 2002), Louisville, KY, USA, Sept. 2002.
- Program Committee Member: 36th Annual Simulation Symposium (ANSS 2003), Orlando FL, USA, March, 2003.
- Int’l Program Committee Member: 14th IASTED Int’l Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS 2002), MIT, Boston, MA, USA, Nov. 2002.
- Program Committee Member: 35th Annual Simulation Symposium (ANSS 2002), San Diego, USA, April, 2002.
- Int’l Program Committee Member: 13th IASTED Int’l Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS 2001), Anaheim CA, USA, Aug. 2001.
- Program Committee Member: 34th Annual Simulation Symposium (ANSS 2001), Seattle, USA, April, 2001.
- Int’l Program Committee Member & Session Chairman: 12th IASTED Int’l Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS 2000), Las Vegas, Nov. 2000.
- International Conference on Parallel Processing 1994, (ICPP-94).
- High Performance Distributed Computing 1994, (HPDC-3).
- International Conference on Parallel Processing 1995, (ICPP-95).
- High Performance Distributed Computing 1995, (HPDC-4).
- International Conference on High Performance Computing 1995, (ICHPC-95).
- International Conference on Network Protocols 1995, (ICNP-95).
- "Performance Modelling and Evaluation of ATM Networks", vol. 2, book to be published by Chapman & Hall, (ATM-2, 1996).
- Special Issue of the Journal of INFORMATICA on “Design Issues of Gigabit Networking” (INFORMATICA, 1999).
- INFOCOM ’99, Int’l Conference.
- GLOBECOM-99, Int’l Conference.
- Communications Magazine ‘99, featuring “Traffic Management & Switching for Multimedia”.
- 12th Int’l Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, (IASTED-PDCS 2000).
- 34th Annual Simulation Symposium, (ANSS 2001).
- 2001 IEEE Int’l Conference on Communications (ICC 2001).
- 13th Int’l Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, (IASTED-PDCS 2001).
- Transactions of the Society for Computer Simulation International, special issue on “Modeling and Simulation Applications in Scheduling Multiprocessor Systems” (2001).
- 35th Annual Simulation Symposium, (ANSS 2002).
- 2002 IEEE Int’l Conference on Communications (ICC 2002).
- 14th Int’l Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, (IASTED-PDCS 2002).
- 15th Int’l Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, (ISCA-PDCS 2002).
- 2003 IEEE Int’l Conference on Communications (ICC 2003), Optical Networking Symposium.
- 15th Int’l Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, (IASTED-PDCS 2003).
- Communications Magazine ’03, Anniversary Issue for the “50 Years of Clos Networks”.
- Transactions on Communications, 2003.
- 2nd Int’l Conf. on the Perform. Modeling & Evaluation of Heterogeneous Networks (HET-NETs '04).
- Int’l Conf. and Journals on the Performance Modeling and Evaluation of Heterogeneous Networks, (HET-NETs '05), 2005.
- 17th Int’l Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, (IASTED-PDCS 2005).
- Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing, (HPSR 2006).
- 18th Int’l Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, (IASTED-PDCS 2006).
- 19th Int’l Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, (IASTED-PDCS 2007).
Technical Expert / Reviewer:
- 12/2016: Certified Reviewer of the General Recretariat for Research & Technology (Greek GSRT).
- 2/2013: Independed Expert for the European Comission’s programs “Data Protection” & CIPS (“Pre-vention, Preparedness & Consequence Management of Terrorism & other Security-related Risks”).
- 2/2012: Member of the Reviewers Registry of EFEPAE (KEPA-ANEM) for the EPAN-II program. Reviewer of business investment proposals and plans for EPAN-II.
- 9/2011: Member of the Experts Registry for External Evaluation of Computer Science departments.
- 6/2011: Member of the Reviewers Registry of the “Digital Conergence Plan” (MAPPS).
- 2/2011: Member of the Consultants Registry of the Ministry of Education (EYD/EPEDVM).
- 12/2010: Member of the Educators Registry of the National Center of Public Administration and Local Government (EKDDA).
- 7/2010: Member of the Experts Registry of the Greek Ministry of Education (EYD/EPEDVM).
- 4/2008: Reviewer for the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) (France), for the “Embedded systems and large infrastructures” (ARPEGE) program.
- 10/2005: Member of the Reviewers Registry for the program “Motivation of Private Investments for Economic Growth and Regional Convergence”, of the Greek GSRT, (14986/EFA(3469)/5.10.2005).
- 11/2004: Member of the Reviewers Registry for the program “Private Sector Projects” of the KtP S.A. (AM=245).
References: Available upon request.