Transport Innovation Gender Observatory.
Women face higher risks and burdens than men in transport, due to unequal access to resources, education, job opportunities and entrenched socio-cultural norms. The TInnGO project will develop a framework and mechanisms for a sustainable game change in European transport using the transformative strategy of gender and diversity sensitive smart mobility.
The TInnGO project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 824349.
TInnGO recognises the huge gender inequalities in current transport provision, documented in previous work and the knowledge from previous projects. TInnGO aims to combine existing tools and knowledge with new data, approaches and strategies in the following ways:
- It will use and advance existing gender mainstreaming tools (such as Gender Impact Assessment (GIA) and Gender Action Planning (GAP)) and design and cultural research methods (such as workshops, ethnography, scenario building and participatory citizen research).
- TInnGO will collate existing mobility data and set new standards for the collection of socio-demographic mobility data which enables women’s travel behaviour to be prioritised using intersectional analysis. It will do all this, whilst recognising that smart mobility should be inclusive, adaptable and capable of intelligent action in the light of new information.
- TInnGO will provide the new datasets from which more equitable, fairer smart mobility can be developed, new resources to reduce gender gaps in transport, gender sensitive smart mobility innovations, new analysis methods and data sets, and case studies to inform both policy and practice.
- TInnGO project will co-create and attract support and investment in gender action plans and gender sensitive smart mobility innovations by working with different groups of women and local stakeholders (transport planners, operators and educators) to effect change within TInnGO cities and regional networks.
National Hubs
At the TInnGO project, ten (10) national hubs will be set up; Sweden/Denmark, UK, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, France, Germany, Romania, Lithuania (+ Baltic states). These will be connected to a superordinate observatory called TInnGO (Transport Innovation Gendered Observatory). During the last year of the TInnGO project, the ambition is to transfer learning by informing the development of similar hubs in Malaysia, Brazil, Pakistan, China and USA.
The chronological course of the procedure is reflected in the following four (4) project phases:
Phase 1, the national research and practical knowledge is collected in the hubs and forwarded to TInnGO and the CDARE.
Phase 2, knowledge is consolidated and formed into coordinated research priorities that address specific gender problems in the individual country, training is undertaken across the project. ABM and predictive modelling are used to investigate gaps in transport provision and predict new service provision
Phase 3, initial Gender Action Plans, Gender Impact Assessments and gender mainstreaming tools are delivered for application in their hubs and across their networks. TInnGIdLabs work on local problems related to gender Smart Mobility and share experiences and ideas across the Open Innovation Platform. Feedback is provided to inform any iterative development. This will relate to already identified areas (mobility, safety and security, employment, education, opportunity and innovation) and specifically for the various stakeholders, ranging from IT developers and urban planners to municipal decisionmakers.
Types of Gender Action Plans will be developed in a transdisciplinary approach, involving stakeholders/target groups.
Phase 4, evaluation of the national hubs, TInnGIDlabs, the TInnGO observatory and the approach of the project. Sustainability plans are drawn up.
Additionally, the Hubs will host the TInnGIdLabs. Their aim is to encourage local stakeholders and communities to engage with smart mobility and gender issues relevant to them. These will be run as pop up design factories/fab labs in each city.
Project Partners
The TInnGO project brings together twenty (20) experienced and committed partners from thirteen (13) EU countries (comprising seven HEIs and research institutes, four municipalities and nine transport consultants (SMEs)), in a €4 million, three (3) years project.
Coventry University has a long tradition as a provider of education with roots going as far back as Coventry College of Design in 1843. Founded as an industrial university focused on the skilling of the local community to meet the needs of major multinational companies in Coventry and the Midlands the University now prides itself for its tradition of industry facing research that is developed through close collaboration with companies and meets international excellence standards.
2. Copenhagen University (UCPH)
The Co-ordination for Gender Research at the University of Copenhagen will act as the scientific co-ordinator and advance the TInnGO project in both conceptual and analytical terms. The Co-ordination for Gender Research is an interdisciplinary unit located at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Sociology. According to the QS World University Rankings by Subject in 2018, the University of Copenhagen is the best university in Scandinavia and ranks among the 100 best universities in the world. The Faculty of Social Sciences is in the top 10 in Europe within the fields of Anthropology, Political Science and Sociology.
3. VTM-Consultores em Engenharia e Planeamento LDA (VTM)
VTM (http://www.vtm-global.com) is a leading Portuguese consultancy company, with 35 years, focused in the areas of transport, infrastructure and services planning and development, mobility, traffic engineering, road safety, logistics and waste management. The company focuses its advice to clients, political decision-makers and industrial decision makers on thorough and long-lasting relationships, allowing full commitment to deliver independent, competent, distinctive and fit-for-purpose solutions based on sound technical and analytical approaches.
4. F.K. Liotopoulos & SIA EE (SBOING)
SBOING (www.sboing.net) is a high-tech ICT SME that implements innovative mobile technologies and related systems, applications and services for the collection, processing and exploitation of location and mobility data. It implements an internationally patented, collaborative, crowdsourcing technology for the collection, processing and distribution of traffic, road and sensory data in order to provide improved routing capabilities for GPS navigation, globally. The SBOING GPS navigator app, sbNavi™, is available for iOS and Android and sbCarNavi® is available for multimedia car consoles, together with OSM-based maps of the entire world. sbNavi™ is offered with sbDySurv®, a survey module supporting whole-journey, dynamic surveys and sbCliMate®, an environmental info-layer, offering environmental measures derived from Earth observation satellite (EOS) datasets.
5. Interactions Limited (INTER)
Interactions Ltd (www.interactions.ie) is a private consultancy based in Ireland. Interactions has been involved with the delivery of Smarter Travel Projects since 1992 and has worked in EC projects for over 20 years, focusing on sustainable urban mobility projects, such as CIVITAS. Currently, Interactions is Evaluation Workpackage Manager for the SUITS Project. Outside of EC projects, we work with local authorities and transport agencies and operators in Ireland, specialising in data collection, customer surveys, mystery shopping, and service auditing. Clients in this area include Dublin Bus, Bus Eireann, South Dublin County Council, Meath County Council and the National Disability Authority.
6. Integral Consulting R&D (INTECO)
Integral Consulting R&D (INTECO) Bucharest is a SME, a Research–Development organization in the line of Sustainable Transport and Rolling Stock, highly experienced in national and European research projects (26 proposals submitted in the period 2007-2015 in European Programmes, in partnership with 153 companies from 33 countries).
7. Smart Continent LT UAB (SC)
Smart Continent LT UAB (http://smartcontinent.com) is a Lithuanian consultancy which operates as interdisciplinary research and consulting service provider. All experts have academic background and a considerable number remains closely associated with universities in positions of associated professors or lectors. Smart Continent LT transport team was involved in two FP7 projects: METPEX and AP2050+. METPEX – A Measurement Tool to Determine the Quality of the Passenger Experience METPEX was aimed to develop and evaluate a standardised tool to measure passenger experience across whole journeys.
8. Technische Universitaet Ilmenau (TUIL)
Ilmenau University of Technology has a long tradition in training engineers since 1894. The university upholds high standards, both in terms of academic content and in the facilities offered to students and researchers. The university occupies a leading position both nationally and internationally in a number of areas of research, pure and applied.
9. Lever S.A. Development Consultants (LEVER)
LEVER (www.lever.gr) is a research and development consultancy, offering a combination of expertise in business and technology. Our services span the full life cycle of a project, from conceptualization and strategic planning to project implementation and intellectual property rights management. LEVER aims to share company’s knowledge in an institutionalized way with other stakeholders in research, innovation and practice environment.
10. Instituto Tecnologico del Embalaje, Transporte y Logistica (ITENE)
ITENE (www.itene.com) is a non-profit Research Centre integrated with businesses, entities and institutions specialized in Packaging, Transport and Logistics. ITENE has participated in 39 projects from FP6 and FP7 and 10 H2020 projects. More specifically ITENE has 23 projects at cooperative European and national level related to Transport and Logistics. The department of Transport will be involved in TinnGo project, offering its knowledge on transport, logistics and mobility sectors and as manager of Spanish Hub.
11. Societal Travel CIC (SOCTR)
SOCIETAL Travel CIC is a Social Enterprise, created to tackle transportation challenges by analysing travel data and applying transformative innovative solutions. Expanding on work carried out by the University of Northampton Institute of Logistics, Infrastructure, Supply and Transport (LIST) for the UK government (DfT)-funded Total Transport initiative, SOCIETAL’s founding partners are the University of Northampton and Northamptonshire County Council.
12. Politecnico di Torino (POLITO)
Politecnico di Torino is one of the largest Italian educational and research facilities covering all technical fields (engineering and architecture). Its Engineering School is the oldest one in Italy, dating back to 1859. 43% of Italian students come from outside Piedmont and 15% are foreigners (the highest figure in Italy). Since 2014, POLITO has received 47 Million Euro contributions in the H2020 programme on 127 projects, placing in the 4th position for the number of winning projects at Italian level. POLITO is consistently in top positions in Italian university rankings both for the quality of the research and for the educational activities that are carried out. Moreover, POLITO places in 52nd position as Engineering and Technology Faculty in the World University Ranking.
13. LGI Consulting (LGI)
LGI aims to foster sustainable transitions, guiding organisations through the entire innovation process. LGI’s key sectors include the environment, energy, and smart & sustainable territories, for which transport and mobility is a subcomponent. Established in 2005, LGI has developed an expertise not only in transport policies and regulations, but also mobility market behaviours and new business models.
14. Signosis sprl. (SIGNOSIS)
Signosis is a management consulting and research company, based in Belgium. Signosis possesses a diverse and in-depth knowhow and experience in the design and management of R&D projects and offers consultancy in several areas ranging from transport and ICT to sustainability and social policy as well as additional disciplines focusing on promoting and implementing innovation in business and in public sector.
15. Statens Vag-Och Transport Forsknings Institut (VTI)
The Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI), is an independent and internationally prominent research institute in the transport sector. The principal task is to conduct research and development related to infrastructure, traffic and transport. VTI is dedicated to the continuous development of knowledge pertaining to the transport sector, and in this way contribute actively to the attainment of the goals of Swedish transport policy.
16. Krause Juliane Klara Auguste (P&A)
Plan und Rat is a planning and consulting office with a focus on municipal transport planning and expert’s activities in research and development projects. Active since 1995, its activities focus on integrative, social and environmental transport planning. The company conducts basic research on the topics of mobility and cycling promotion, mobility education/safety at school, mobility for children, gender planning, studies on traffic safety and the requirements of nonmotorized road users. Plan & Rat has specific experience with qualitative survey methods, concepts and the moderation of participation processes.
17. Municipality of Alba Iulia (AIM)
The City Hall of Alba Iulia Municipality is a very dynamic administration open to investors, while the city holds a real potential for economic and tourism development in constant expansion. Alba Iulia Municipality has a population of 74 000 inhabitants and is situated in the Centre part of Romania, being the capital of Alba County (Romania has only county capitals and not regional capitals). The communitarian development along with the creation of conditions for economic and social progress for the whole community is one of the main objectives of the Alba Iulia Municipality.
18. EMEL-Empresa Publica Municipal de Estacionamento de Lisboa, E.E.M (EMEL)
Public Municipal Company for Parking and Mobility (100% owned by the Municipality of Lisbon).and is responsible for managing the concession of public parking in the Lisbon Municipality. Parking is integrated into the global mobility and accessibilities system defined by the Lisbon City Council. EMEL’s activities cover the most important areas of the city of Lisbon, managing 47.000 on-street parking places, 2.000 parking meters and 22 off-street parking facilities with 5.000 parking spaces.
19. Comune di Torino (TORINO)
The City of Turin, located in the western part of the Po Plain, covers an area of approximately 130 km2, mostly flat, surrounded by the crown of the Alps and the hills is crossed by four rivers. The city’s population is 900,873 inhabitants, while the metropolitan area is 2.2 million inhabitants. Torino is the capital of the Piedmont Region, is the fourth Italian city by population and is the third complex economic production of Italy. Torino born in the third century BC; It has been the capital of the Kingdom of Italy from 1861 to 1865.
20. West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA)
Transport for West Midlands (TfWM) is a core department within the recently established West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA, 2016). Both are local government organisations which lead and unite seven constituent councils to manage investment, pool resources and set the strategic direction for regional policy. The West Midlands region encompasses three cities, post-industrial and suburban settlements, and 2.8 million residents. The area is characterised by the diversity of both its population and urban landscape.