Theologos Liotopoulos

Theologos K. Liotopoulos
Mr. Th. K. Liotopoulos is an Electrical Engineer & Economist. He holds a Diploma degree from the Electrical Engineering Dept, Aristotelian Univ. of Thes/niki, Greece,1991, an M.Sc.E.E. degree from the Elec. & Comp. Engin. Dept., U-W Madison, USA,1993 and an MBA degree from the Univ. of Macedonia, Greece, 2005. He has attended a large number of seminars targeted in managerial, sales, marketing issues.
Since 1995, he has worked as a Senior Executive in large companies, being the Director in several Depts (Business Development Director in SBOING 2010-today, Deputy Director & Chief Operating Officer in AKMI Group (Institution of Vocational Training – IVT) 2013-2015, Business Development Director in Lamda Electronics SA 2010-2013, Management Consulting Director in ATLANTIS Research SA 2007-2010, Telematics Dept in COMPUCON SA 2004-2005, B2B Sales Director in MLS Informatics SA 2004. He also served as Unit Leader of Telecom Consultants in OTE SA,2000-2004 & Sales Engineer in Netconnect SA,1999-2000 & PROMEL Ltd,1995-1999)
Mr. Th. Liotopoulos is a Senior Management Consultant, specialized in the Business Development of Innovative Companies of all sizes. He has written several Business Plans and helped the companies to implement them. One of these B.Ps. won the 3rd prize of the “TECHNOGENESIS” competition for innovation in the Prefecture of E. Macedonia & Thrace, 2006.
Between 2005-2007, he has taught for 4 full semesters, as a Lab. Professor, at the Dept. of Informatics & Communications at the Technical Education Institute of Serres, Greece.
He is a member of the Technical and Economic Chambers of Greece, Volleyball Referee at National Competition Leagues & Gen Secretary of the Cultural Association of Voiaki Estia of Thes/niki. He has also served as the President & MoB of the Hellenic Student Association of the U-W Madison USA, MoB of the American Univ. Alumni Association of N.Greece & the Volleyball Referees Association of N.Greece-Thes/niki.