Supporting Urban Integrated Transport Systems: Transferable tools for Local Authorities.
The SUITS project ( aims to increase the capacity of small and medium local authorities to develop and implement sustainable, inclusive, integrated and accessible transport strategies, policies, technologies, practices, procedures, tools, measures and intelligent transport systems that recognize the end-to-end travel experiences of all users and freight.
SUITS project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program, under Grant Agreement no. 690650.
SUITS works collaboratively with sister projects PROSPERITY and SUMPS-Up, ENOLL, CIVITAS and the "Twin Towns and Cities" programme, to maximize reach and dissemination to small and medium cities, in line with its overall ambition to improve the capacity building in local authorities to improve the quality, funding and uptake of urban mobility plans by:
- Creating a transferable capacity building system enabling local authorities to develop their own knowledge, skills and competencies at individual, organisational and institutional level;
- Through the validation of this ensuring that SUMPS and local measures delivered during the project are inclusive and deliver against sustainability, quality of life and value for money metrics;
- Providing generic tools to help local authorities generate and understand open and real time data to improve decision making, implementation and monitoring;
- Providing a decision support system to guide councils with new funding models;
- Providing a means of integrating and analysing urban and passenger freight data.
- [UK] Coventry University (coordinator), Coventry, Arcadis
- [Italy] Politecnico di Torino, Torino (with 5T), Rome (RSM), Eurokleis
- [Ireland] Interactions
- [Greece] Lever, SBOING, Makios Logistics, Kalamaria
- [Spain] ITENE, INNDea
- [Romania] Alba-Iulia, Integral Computing
- [Portugal] VTM
- [Hungary] Logdrill
- [Germany] Wuppertal Institute, Technische Universistat Ilmenau (Erfurt & Stuttgart)
- [Lithuania] SmartContinent, Palanga
- [Belgium] SIGNOSIS
Duration: 4 years (1/12/2016 - 30/11/2020)
Budget: 4.1 MEUR
SBOING Budget: 200 KEUR
SBOING is the Technical Manager of the SUITS project.